Get Help
There are lot's of people and services that you can talk to if you need help. You can try talking to a parent or adult, school counsellor or even your friends but there are also other places you can turn to.
1800 RESPECT provides qualified and experienced counsellors who can provide information and refer you to additional support services that can help. You can contact them 24/7 on 1800737732 or access online counselling through their website.
If something has happened online to make you feel uncomfortable, scared or sad, Cybersmart, through Kids Helpline, can provide you with free and private advice online. If you need to talk to someone now, the fastest way is to call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800 and speak with a counsellor. If you're not sure about talking to someone on the phone they also offer web counselling and email counselling.
A resource that offers children, young people and parents advice and strategies to support the issues resulting from sexting incidents. Download the PDF
Brisbane face to face counselling, telephone, email and web counselling, plus online groups for men and a forum for workers. This service is for men, partners, friends, family and workers.
Phone: (07) 30284648 or freecall 1300114397
Sexual Assault Helpline
The Queensland State Wide Sexual Assault Helpline is a free, confidential service. This service is currently hosted by DVConnect, which also runs the Mensline Queensland. It is open 7.30am to midnight, 7 days a week. Phone 1800 010 120 For persons with a hearing impairment: TTY 1800 003 98
Provides legal advice and information to clients who have legal problems which arise from their identification as LGBTI and/or because they feel more comfortable in dealing with a solicitor with specific skills, interest and understanding of LGBTI legal issues and/or the barriers experienced by LGBTI peoples in accessing the legal system. 0401936232
Lifeline provides all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to online, phone and face-to-face crisis support and suicide prevention services. Find out how these services can help you, a friend or loved one. Call 131114 or access their online chat.
Anytime you would like to report a non-urgent crime or incident, or for general police enquiries, phone Policelink on 131 444 or download the app here.
If the crime is happening now, is life threatening or there is a likelihood of the suspected offenders in the area, call 000 immediately.